Giving Thanks!

by Morley Robbins on November 27, 2013

“If the only prayer you say is “Thank You…” it will be enough.”

— Meister Eckert (1260-1327)


Thanksgiving is, by far, my most favored of holidays! It’s a time we can all step off the hamster wheel for a day and truly reflect on the many, many blessings we effectively overlook the other 364 days of the year… It’s also a special time of fellowship with family, friends and community. Not to mention the great feast! — I was 50 before I realized how to enjoy this meal and not get lost in tryptophan overdose… And for those of the pigskin persuasion, it marks the initial stuffing of meaningful gridiron face-offs. And here’s the classic image of that first Thanksgiving that we can all relate to… I’ve always enjoyed this painting by Brownscombe which captures this cherished Colonial event, and even more so after I learned in my genealogical pursuits many years ago that the gentleman standing and offering “Thanks!” was, in fact, my 15th great-grandfather, William Brewster (1566-1644). Elder Brewster was born in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England, came over in the Mayflower and died in Plymouth, Mass. (btw, I descend from his daughter, Fear…)

And for those that want to learn the REAL story of what our ancestors did in Plymouth Colony, I would highly recommend Nathaniel Philbrick’s Mayflower ( You’ll never see this cherished holiday the same way again.

And all that said, you might say, that this feast of Thanksgiving is embedded in my genes!… Which leads me to my next point.


I’m about half-way through Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman’s Spontaneous Evolution. (OMg, where’s he going with this one…) It’s really quite fascinating. The conventional thought out there is that ALL disease has a “genetic origin…”  That our genes just suddenly stop working correctly, stop producing life-affirming proteins & enzymes, and we are then left powerless because of the immutable nature of our cranky nucleotide pool. It’s a neat little theory, billions has been spent on trying to “prove” it (Human Genome Project), but it’s patently false and scientifically wrong. And the research to back that up that last statement is irrefutable, despite the growing acceptance that this Social Construction of Reality is increasingly being perceived as the Truth. Not so, grasshoppers…

The prevailing “scientific belief” is that DNA >> RNA >> Proteins >> our performance… That this is a one-way process and that our “Genes” dictate ALL, is very well understood and accepted, except by the scientists who are actually studying it closely. It just so happens that it’s a two-way process… that a lowly enzyme called “Reverse Transcriptase” enables the environment to shape gene activity and that a process called “Somatic Hypermutation” is triggered within to modify biological function to fit the changing environment. And good that these processes exist, as the entire process of Evolution depends on them!

And what triggers their activities and the myriad of functions that cascade from them? “Stress!”  

What a surprise!

And what nutrients are lost to “Stress!”?… Zinc, Magnesium and B-Vitamins… And what nutrients regulate and repair gene function and metabolism? Zinc, Magnesium and B-Vitamins… Hmmm… Anyone else seeing a pattern here?…

An intriguing thought, as noted in this book: “The caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA. They are the same organism but are receiving and responding to a different organizing signal.” And it turns out that our thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on the performance and functionality of our physiology. As Bruce Lipton notes: “We see science climbing the proverbial mountain of knowledge only to find Buddha sitting at the top!”

So what does this all mean?… It’s time for us all to create a different “organizing signal…” Our bodies and our healing protocols dictate it.

And what’s the most powerful activator of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (the “rest and repair” component of the Autonomic Nervous System that mops up after the “fight or flight” response…)?

It turns out that more than the emotion of joy, more than the emotion of excitement, and even more than the emotion of love, the emotion of GRATITUDE lights up the brain and activates the Parasympathetic branch to work its MAG-ic. (Btw, this has been studied with PET Scanners and NMR Scanners.)

It turns out that the brain lights up like a Christmas Tree when we express “Thanks!” for our blessings…


So here’s a Thanksgiving tip guaranteed to create a “new” you… take a bath with Maggie this Thursday… Make it special,

and please enjoy the moment…

And about 1/2-way into the experience, close your eyes and give “Thanks!” to the Universe for your many blessings. Feel the sensation of “gratitude” in your heart and immerse yourself in this moment for a good 5 minutes. It will activate a shift in your being, and will create that much needed new “organizing signal” to enable healing changes within… Our clients that have done this have consistently let us know how grateful they were to have learned it…

So, I’ll leave you with that recommendation and I would like to close this post by thanking the many, many, many MAG-pies — around the world — for your participation in this evolving healing community. My cup, and bath!…, runneth over. I am blessed to be a part of this wonderful gaggle of folks, and just want to say, Thank you!, for making this a very special Thanksgiving…

Blessings to you all!

A votre sante!

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